Андроге и анаболические стероиды

Главная Стероидный сырой Оральные стероиды Андроге и анаболические стероиды 99.10% Станозолол (Винстрол) Сырой стероидный порошок

99.10% Станозолол (Винстрол) Сырой стероидный порошок

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Raw Stanozolol (Винстрол) Powder Basic Characters

Название продукта: Stanozolol/Winstrol/Winny Powder
CAS number: 10418-03-8
Молекулярная формула: C21H32N2O
Молекулярный вес: 328.5
Точка плавления: 229.8-242.0 °С
Color: white powder
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What is Stanozolol (Винстрол) Powder?

Stanozolol powder is an anabolic steroid that, by its characteristics, is a progesterone antagonist. With its anabolic activity, Stanozolol is three times superior to testosterone. On the market, the drug is known under the trade name Winstrol powder. The steroid Stanozolol is a rather weak drug for building muscle mass, but at the same time, it is very good for increasing sports endurance. Winstrol has been around for quite some time and continues to be extremely popular in bodybuilding and athletics. The drug is available in injectable form, which, unlike many steroids, is not in oil form, but in the form of an aqueous suspension. In addition, it exists in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Some individuals will tell you that taking winstrol for women in an injectable form increases the efficiency by 1.5 times compared with the oral form. But many individuals find that the results of the oral form are just as good as the results of the injectable form. Something worth mentioning is the pain associated with the injectable form of Winstrol. Because of how painful the injection site could be for days, users often opt for the oral form of this steroid. Today, Станозолол (Винстрол) powder is banned in the sports industry and is officially equated with doping. Many professional bodybuilders and athletes who regularly compete are subject to drug testing prior to the competition. For this reason, it is important to know just how long a specific steroid stays in your system and how long that steroid can be detected. Sports laboratories are required to define Winstrol as one of the mandatory drugs of the “Big Five”. The other four steroid drugs are Nandrolone, Метандростенолон, Clenbuterol, Methyltestosterone. Welcome to visit our website AASraw for more details!

At different times, such famous athletes as runner Ben Johnson, boxer James Toney, bodybuilder Sean Ray did not pass a doping test on this drug. Looking at these names, you can understand that Winstrol is used as a dope in a wide variety of sports. Despite such strict prohibitions and the exclusion of famous athletes as illustrative examples, Stanozolol is still actively used in sports, especially in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Winstrol is the second most popular bodybuilder after Dianabol. Knowing the ins and outs of a steroid and everything there is to learn about its traits, characteristics, properties, etc. is a crucial part of any bodybuilder or athlete’s world.

Types of Stanozolol (Винстрол) and how to use them?

Injectable form – an ampoule with a suspension of milky white color which is water based. It is not destroyed by liver enzymes and fully absorbed into blood. Of the minuses, it can be noted that the injections are a little painful, due to the fact that the composition contains microcrystals, which, settling on the tissues, cause slight irritation and pain. Upon injecting Winstrol, users have experienced pain at the injection site that can last for several days. The duration of action is 24 часы. It is indicated that the recommended dosage is up to 50 ml per day. The dose will vary from person to person and depends on several key factors.

Tablet form – used most often by women and beginners. Although some may tell you this is the less popular form, many prefer to use the oral form of Winstrol because it is more convenient and does not cause the severe pain that is usually associated with injectable Winstrol. The duration of action in the body is about 9 часы. The recommended effective dose can range from 10-50mg per day (или больше) depending on the experience level of the user. For some, using as little as 5mg per day can be effective. This may be true of females, but not all.

RawsSteroidPowder is the professional manufacturer of Stanozolol (Винстрол) powder which has independent lab and large factory as support.

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