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Testosterone decanoate is a steroid hormone derived from androgen, found in mammals and other vertebrates, testosterone decanoate is mainly secreted in test mail and female ovaries, although a small amount is also secreted by the adrenal gland, but testosterone decanoate is the principle of male sex hormones and Anabolic steroids.
Основная информация
Название продукта: Testosterone Decanoate
MolecularFormula: C29H46O3
MolecularWeight: 442.68
Specification: 200мг/мл
Появление: white powder
КАС: 5721-91-5
Использование: Testosterone decanoate is usually used for intramuscular injection, oil absorption is slow, functional and durable, can be maintained only a few days. Testosterone propionate can promote male organ development and secondary characteristics, promote protein synthesis and bone formation, estrogen, inhibit endometrial growth and ovarian and pituitary function. For testosterone, cryptorchidism, male gonadal dysfunction, gynecological diseases such as menorrhagia, uterine fibroids, senile osteoporosis and aplastic anemia.
Because Testosterone decanoate is so long lasting, the user only needs to inject the drug once a week. The drug itself does not leave the body for 15 дни. The user sometimes stacks Neotest 250 with Deca-Durabolin and injects at the same time as they will remain in the body for the same amount of time. The dose was as low as 250 мг / week and the results were seen and an extreme dose of 1000 мг / week had been recorded with little side effects, although the use of an aromatic sugar inhibitor at extreme doses was necessary.